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Gowon has touched the tail of a sleeping lion |
Read the Book of Isaiah Chapter 1, verse 15, there you will see:“When you spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you, when you make many prayers, I will not hear : your hands are full of blood.” (Isaiah 1:15).
Who was the man who, as the Military Head of State in Nigeria that destroyed the Federal nature of the Nigerian governance, for which we are still crying for today, and is directly responsible for lots of political cum economic crises rocking Nigeria as at today? Yakubu Gowon. Who, after the murder of Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi, disregarded the military hierachy to assume the position of Nigerian Head of State instead of Ogundipe, a situation that led to more troubles for Nigeria? Yakubu Gowon. Who is that Nigerian President/Head of State, who, with his mouth, told the whole world that “There is no basis for Nigerian unity”? Yakubu Gowon.
Who, as the Head of state of Nigeria, failed or refused to protect the lives of innocent Easterners in other parts of Nigeria during the pogrom around 1967-1970, leading to the death of millions of people within the same period? Yakubu Gowon. Who denied a people being killed by fellow Nigerians in their own country, the opportunity to be free and independent in their own Republic of Biafra? Yakubu Gowon.
Which Nigerian Head of State went to Aburi, Ghana, and signed an agreement with Ojukwu, but on returning to Nigeria, reneged/broke the covenant of the agreement (a sin against God and humanity), which led to a war that killed millions of innocent souls created by God, in the name of “Go On With One Nigeria”? Yakubu Gowon.
When Biafra was declared as result of all other Nigerians happily killing the Easterners (Igbos in particular) in Nigeria, who ordered the first gunshot to be fired in 1967? Yakubu Gowon.
Which Nigerian Head of state has the highest volume of blood of innocent children, giving them kwashiokor and starvation, old people and youths who were killed during the anti-Biafran madness by Nigerians, who now wish to deny Ojukwu a state burial? Yakubu Gowon.
In February 1976, Gowon was implicated in the Coup d'état led by Lt. Col Buka Suka Dimka, which resulted in the death of Gen Murtala Mohammed. According to Dimka's "confession", he met with Gowon in London, and obtained support from him for the coup. In addition, Dimka mentioned before his execution that the purpose of the Coup d'état was to re-install Gowon as Head of State. As a result of the coup tribunal findings, Gowon was declared wanted by the Nigerian government, stripped of his rank in absentia and had his pension cut off. Gen Gowon was finally pardoned (along with the ex-Biafran President, Emeka Ojukwu) during the Second Republic under President Shehu Shagari.
He returned to Nigeria in the 1980s, and in the 1990s he formed a non-denominational religious group, Nigeria Prays in an attempt to use religion to cover his evil deeds.
Till November 26, 2011,when Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, the number one Biafran citizen joined his ancsetors, he never mentioned his name in any fora.
Today , he has cowardly come out to tell the ''marines'' that the Biafran avatar is a coward.
He , by so doing committed a masquerade offence and it is punishable by painful death because we say in Biafra ''NOBODY TOUCHES THE TAIL OF A LION ,DEAD OR ALIVE''
If ever there was a warrior, Ojukwu was one. He fought the federal forces to a standstill for three years with a ragtag army made of traders, artisans, civil servants, students and many untrained but highly inspired people. Both young and old. Ojukwu fought for a true federation, a country founded on justice and fair play. He fought for equity, rectitude, and for even-handedness, which would have been good not just for his people, but for the whole country.
Amidst the flurry of tributes, both the genuine and the dissembling,on his demise, one, however, stood out. It was the one by Gen John Shagaya, who said Ojukwu really had no other option than to have led the secessionist bid of 1967, which eventually culminated in three years of civil war, leaving more than one million civilians dead.
Shagaya told an eternal truth, and he earns my respect for it. What options did Ojukwu truly have in the crises of 1966 and 1967, during which thousands of Biafrans were massacred, particularly in the northern parts of the country? As governor of the Eastern Region, the onus was on Ojukwu not only to speak up for his people, but also to offer them protection. But here were Igbos being butchered, sawn to pieces and hacked to death, with the Federal Government led by serial killer and coward ,Gowon appearing helpless. Gen Yakubu Gowon as military head of state seemed to have run out of ideas, and could not guarantee the safety and protection of a huge chunk of the population of the country. What next to do? Ojukwu had to pull his people out of the federation, after all the peace overtures had failed.
Was the war regrettable? Yes, any war should be regrettable since wars come with bloodshed, sorrow, anguish and loss of lives. But was the war inevitable? It was not. Ojukwu and his proud and gallant Biafrans were virtually pushed into it, and the war was the next available option, if they were not to be extirpated, completely annihilated, wiped off the Nigerian map, and possibly the face of the earth. Therefore, we can safely say Ojukwu was actuated not just by love for his people, but for the whole country, hence a hero.
Long live the and of the rising sun
General of the peoples army lives.
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