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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Don't dare ECOWAS court. The implications are grievous- SAN warns Buhari

Don't dare ECOWAS court. The implications are grievous- SAN warns Buhari
A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Alhaji Ahmed Raji has warned the Nigerian government  to respect and obey the judgment of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)’ Court of Justice which on Tuesday ordered the release of former National Security Adviser (NSA) Col. Sambo Dasuki from detention as failure to do this could scare foreign investors away.

Recall that Dasuki has been in the custody of the federal government since December last year over an alleged charge bordering on illegal arms deals that led to the death of many and fuelled terrorism in Nigeria. However, Dasuki, Tuesday, got a reprieve from the regional court which also imposed a fine of N15m on government for illegal and arbitrary detention of the applicant.

Raji who spoke in a media-chat in Abuja said that Nigeria as a respected member of ECOWAS and the International Community is expected to honour its obligations to the protocols establishing the court by complying with its order.The senior lawyer said that the spirit invoked in the acceptance of the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the disputed oil rich Bakassi Land must be rekindled in the decision of the ECOWAS Court.

Raji explained that ECOWAS Court was not a domestic court, it’s sitting in Nigeria notwithstanding, adding that complying with the order of the court will further boost the confidence of the International Investors to invest in the country where the rule of law prevails.

The SAN warned that should the federal government turn deaf ears to the regional court verdict, foreign investors would be wary of doing business with the country not to talk of coming down to establish business ventures.“I am appealing to President Muhammadu Buhari to facilitate immediate compliance with the ECOWAS Court decision.

"I am also appealing to the Presidential aides especially the Chief Law Officer of the Federation, Mallam Abubakar Malami, SAN, and the heads of the intelligence units to advise the President properly.”

Meanwhile, like Nnamdi Kanu whose case was not heard yeaterday due to the abscondment of the Nigerian government's lawyer from court, it will be noteworthy to alert the world about Buhari's gimmick once again. Buhari is best known for flouting court orders, we have no doubt that he would want to replicate same act again. The world must beware that Adolf Hitler has resurrected in Aso Rock and is seeking to unleash hell upon humanity.

Published By Biafra Writers

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