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Thursday 20 October 2016

Boost for Biafrexit as Scotland unveils plans for second Independence Referendum before 2018

Nicola Sturgeon says Scots must have referendum option . Picture: PA

The Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has today unveiled the Scottish Government’s plans for a second independence referendum which would take place “before the UK leaves the EU” in just over two years.
This a boost for Biafran referendum as it demonstrates the right to self-determination as well as shows that the quest for independence is a continous process that will not be extinguish by failing in the first attempt. 

The draft Bill proposes that Scots will again be asked “Should Scotland be an Independent Country?” as happened in 2014.

It also makes it clear that EU nationals living in Scotland will be entitled to a vote, unlike the Summer referendum on leaving the EU, along with 16 and 17-year-olds.

It will also see a return of the Better Together and Yes Scotland-style lead bodies on either side which spearheaded campaigning during the 2014 referendum.

The move does not mean that a second vote on leaving the UK will happen. Instead, Ms Sturgeon insists this will hinge on the outcome of post-Brexit talks and the strength of Scotland’s trade relations with the EU. A second referendum would also need to be ratified by the UK government at Westminster.

Today’s publication from Ms Sturgeon and constitution minister Derek MacKay says the second referendum will be staged along similar lines as the 2014 vote.

Ms Sturgeon said: “In 2014, our objective was for the conduct of the referendum to meet the highest standards of fairness, transparency and propriety.

“That objective was achieved then and remains crucial for any future referendum.”

Boost for Biafrexit as Scotland unveils plans for second Independence Referendum before 2018

Today’s bill includes a consultation which states that the approach will be “broadly the same” as last time, with some technical adjustments to reflect recent changes in elections law and procedures such as individual registration.

Ms Sturgeon added: “As in 2014 the proposed franchise for the referendum will match that for Scottish Parliament elections. That will mean that two important groups of people would have a voice that was denied to them in the recent referendum on EU membership: 16 and 17 year-olds and citizens of EU countries who have made Scotland their home.”

As well as British citizens resident in Scotland, those able to vote will include Commonwealth citizens staying here, as well as Irish and other EU countries resident in

Scotland. Scots military personnel serving outwith the country will also be allowed to vote.

There will be no public funding for campaign organisations.

The referendum will again be regulated by the Electoral Commission. There will also be a principal campaigner representing one of the outcomes of the known as “designated organisations”. This was the role filled by the pro-union Better Together campaign and the pro-independence Yes Scotland campaign in 2014. A designated organisation would have a higher campaign spending limit than other permitted participants

The draft referendum bill will be published amid speculation that the UK Brexit Secretary David Davis is coming to Scotland towards the end of the week.

The EU referendum saw 62 per cent of Scots back Remain, but the weight of votes south of the border for Leave swung the result. Ms Sturgeon is drawing up plans to secure Scotland’s relations with the EU and the single market even if the rest of the UK leaves.

But she added: “If it becomes clear that it is the best or only way of safeguarding Scotland’s interests – and in line with our manifesto commitment – parliament must be able to consider the option of an independence referendum, to allow the people of Scotland to vote on independence before the UK leaves the EU.

“I am determined to ensure that Scotland has the ability to make that choice if it is necessary to protect our vital interests. If there is an independence referendum, it will not be because the result of the 2014 referendum has not been respected – it will be because the promises made to Scotland have not been kept.”

Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said there is no appetite for another “divisive” referendum and support for independence is falling.

“Scotland’s business community doesn’t want another independence referendum, and the majority of the people of Scotland don’t want another independence referendum,” she said.

“The fact that Nicola Sturgeon is desperately pushing for one shows she has given up on being a First Minister for all of Scotland in favour of championing her own separatist agenda.”

Labour’s Shadow Scottish Secretary Dave Anderson said: “This is a reckless move by Nicola Sturgeon. It confirms that her priority is the politics of division.”


Scotland vs Biafra: Biafra has more valid and stronger case for secession than Scotland

Between Scotland and Biafra: Biafra has more valid and stronger case for secession than Scotland

It is no longer news that the people of Scotland wishes to leave the United Kingdom. As the date for the referendum on Scottish independence draws closer, political gimmicks are rife in the land as many Scottish citizens agitates to regain their freedom from the English controlled Britain.  In the same vein Biafrans are agitating for their freedom from the stranglehold of the Islamic northern oligarchy and restoration of their country.
While a referendum to determine Scotland’s secession from United Kingdom is scheduled to hold early next month, the international community has turned a deaf ear to the cries of Biafrans. By September 18 2014 Scottish people will be voting in a referendum to determine their independence from the United Kingdom. Ironically, it was a Scot in the person of Fredrick Lugard who forcefully brought Biafrans and the rest of the ethnic nationalities making up the ‘mere geographic region’ into one country called Nigeria, without the consent of the indigenes.
As Biafrans currently struggle to restore their independence from the Nigerian quagmire, The Biafran focuses on the cases of Biafra and Scotland Independence.
Anyone wondering why Biafra Republic needs to be restored should first of all consider why despite all Scotland had gained from the union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it still wants to separate from the highly developed United Kingdom.
These are some points worth noting:
  • The Kingdom of Scotland willingly joined the United Kingdom in 1707, when it entered into a political Union with the Kingdom of England to form the Kingdom of Great Britain following the personal union earlier entered in 1603, when James VI, King of Scots, succeeded to the English and Irish thrones in 1603.
  • Biafrans on the other hand, were on two main occasions forced to be part of Nigeria (first in 1914 – amalgamation of North and South Protectorates, following the earlier amalgamation of the regions in the south, and secondly in 1970 when the Nigerian federal forces forced them back into country).

  • Huge number of powers has been devolved to the Scottish people by the United Kingdom to appease them. The Scottish Parliament, was in 1999 reconvened with authority over many areas of home (internal) affairs following a referendum in 1997. But all powers and rights of Biafrans have been stripped and concentrated at the central government. 
  • Scotland has been given a lot of privileges to encourage them stay in United Kingdom, but Biafrans have consistently been persecuted and marginalised.
  • Scotland's legal system has been kept separate from those of the rest of United Kingdom.
  • Unlike Biafra, Scotland has operated educational and religious institutions distinct from those in the remainder of the UK and has therefore persevered its culture and national identity.
  • Scots are not persecuted, killed, discriminated or strategically suppressed as successive Nigerian governments have done to Biafrans.
Therefore, if Scotland with all the huge benefits it has gained from staying in the United Kingdom is itching to restore their sovereignty and have been allowed to do so, Biafrans who have been grossly been ill-treated and marginalised by Nigerian government and people must be allowed to restore their sovereignty.

Biafrans have more valid and legitimate reason to secede from Nigeria than Scots.

Explosive!:How #Biafra Referendum will be conducted and how Nigeria's will be DIVIDED!!!

The Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS), an international governmental organization that promotes self-determination and the end to colonial era boundaries in Africa has outlined reasons why there should a snap referendum for Biafra Republic.

OEAS noted that if there is a secession, all “Property of the federal government within the borders of Biafra will become property of Biafra. The Nigerian government however will retain all national debt. Biafra will then release the Nigerian government from any obligation to pay reparations for crimes committed during the war of independence 1967-1970.”

OEAS noted that as of today the people of Biafra are locked in an epic struggle with the Nigerian federal government, the inevitable result of which will likely be some form of self-determination for Biafra.

The OEAS wants a snap referendum to be held within 90 days with OEAS, UNPO, and UN, EU and AU nonaligned observers supervising the balloting process. Various effected groups and individuals have asked for details which OEAS can now provide.

Why a Snap Referendum?

The people of Biafra have waited almost 50 years to legitimize their choice. There is no need to prolong the process. A lengthy delay will no doubt result in violence and bloodshed as out of the area ruffians and intimidators come into the region to try to unlawfully influence results.

Who will be eligible to vote in the Referendum?

All persons living within the confines of the borders of the former Republic of Biafra as of January 1, 2016 will be eligible to vote. In addition, persons living outside the borders who can demonstrate significant ties to Biafra by family or property may choose to vote as well.

What are the choices?

A. For total independence and the restoration of the Republic of Biafra as a sovereign independent nation.

B. For internal self-rule as an autonomous Biafra republic with its own parliament, currency, police and prime minister but with external affairs and other matters handled by the Nigerian federal government. This would be an arrangement similar to Scotland and the United Kingdom or Greenland and Denmark.

C. For no change.

How many votes are required?

Whatever option above gets a plurality will be the chosen result.

If we choose an independent Biafra, what then?

After an orderly transition period of no more than 180 days, Biafra will again be independent. Those who wish to maintain their Nigerian citizenship may do so but will be under Biafran rule and must affirmatively register themselves as aliens. Likewise, those outside Biafra with ties to Biafra may become Biafran citizens after renouncing Nigerian citizenship.

What about former federal government property?

Property of the federal government within the borders of Biafra will become property of Biafra. The Nigerian government however will retain all national debt. Biafra will then release the Nigerian government from any obligation to pay reparations for crimes committed during the war of independence 1967-1970.

What about the borders?

The borders with Nigeria must be settled by the time of independence in order to avoid disorder and discord. On the other hand, Biafra should not be obligated to follow any agreements between Cameroun and Nigeria, any loss of territory must be subject to a democratic referendum.

Is all this really possible?

We answer emphatically is yes. The people of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea made their choice to leave Ukraine under far more stressful circumstances. The vote was so overwhelmingly in favor that no country has seriously challenged the will of the people.

Finally, what about those criminals who have oppressed Biafrans and committed crimes and atrocities against the people of Biafra?

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission composed of Biafrans and other experts will establish the truth and investigate political and genocidal crimes from 1967 to present. The Committee will have the power to grant clemency and forgiveness but also may make recommendations as to prosecution in the most serious cases of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.

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