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Thursday 10 November 2016

Breaking! Nnamdi Kanu Writes A Compelling Congratulatory Letter To Trump From Prison!

Dear Mr. President-Elect,

It is with great joy that I Nnamdi Kanu received the news of your election victory as the 45th President of the United States of America at the just concluded US Presidential election. On behalf of the Indigenous People of Biafra, please accept my warmest congratulations on your well-deserved victory.  Mr. President, the American people have given you their mandate and trust, not only to make America Great Again, but also to bring positive changes in the affairs of humanity.

Your victory has placed a historic and moral burden upon you to liberate enslaved nations in Africa, trapped in artificially created boundaries designed to reinforce colonial domination and subjugation. Self-Determination is a sacred right of all people as demonstrated by the good people of United Kingdom when they opted out of the European Union. It is imperative to draw historical parallels between your victory and that of the great Dwight Eisenhower a fellow Republican, who was instrumental in the dismantling of European colonialism in Africa. I pray that you follow in his footsteps, by bringing to a deserved end neo-colonial enslavement, currently championed by puppet dictatorial and tyrannical regimes.

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) have every confidence that as the leader of the free world, you have both the capacity and the will to confront the challenges ahead and meet the expectations of the American people in particular and the oppressed people of the world in general. 

Your victory has therefore come with the responsibility to unite and heal the wounds of the past, including the re-writing of some aspects of the dark history of American foreign policy in Africa, championed by established interests, who worked through successive US administrations to actively sponsor undemocratic rogue regimes, corrupt dictatorships and more recently unrepentant arch genocidists.  Such rulers, especially in Africa, remain a direct danger to world peace and security but more importantly a potent and subsisting threat to United States interests in Africa.  A Trump administration should resist every temptation, be it financial inducement to US politicians, political blackmail or otherwise, to partner with these tyrannical regimes in black Africa that specialize in ‘crushing’ the inalienable rights  of its citizens, while using this as a cover to loot the treasury dry.

Tyranny is bad for mankind because history have always taught us that all great wars were started by tyrants.  It is your responsibility Sir, as the leader of the free world, to hastily undo the mess that US Africa foreign policy has become under the Barack Obama administration.  The rights of distinct ethnic nationalities to seek self determination should be upheld. A free Biafra would be an ally of the United States of America on many fronts, as both nations share the same Judeo-Christian Greco-Roman value system with jealous disposition to safeguarding the rights of the individual. May the Almighty God give you wisdom and protect you as you embark upon this historic service to humanity. 

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